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During a rally in North Carolina, President Donald Trump rallied prospective GOP voters with a new slogan: “TOO BIG TO RIG!” He emphasized the need for a landslide victory in the 2024 election to counter any potential election interference. The crowd enthusiastically echoed the chant, and signs proclaiming “TRUMP 2024” and “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” were held aloft. Trump urged Americans to vote in record numbers, emphasizing that this “positive swamping” would fortify his chances of re-election. Notably, a recent poll in North Carolina showed Trump with a commanding 47-point lead over former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley.

During remarks in North Carolina on Saturday afternoon, President Donald Trump introduced a new rallying cry to prospective GOP voters, urging a big turnout in the 2024 election that will be able to counter any prospective election interference.

“Republicans MUST WIN. We want a LANDSLIDE, we have to win. We have to in so that it’s TOO BIG TO RIG!”

The crowd began chanting, “TOO BIG TO RIG!”

Audience members also held signs in the audience that were emblazoned with the same slogan, along with “TRUMP 2024” and “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.”

The president’s remarks were delivered at a “Get Out the Vote Rally” in Greensboro, North Carolina, marking the first of two back-to-back rallies on the East Coast. The second rally was scheduled to kick off in Richmond, Virginia.

During his speech in Greensboro, the president stated that the patriots of America have to “vote in record numbers” to set the tone for the coming November 2024 general election, when Trump will face off against the Democrat machine yet again.


He encouraged voters to “swamp” the ballot box in the primary and general election to fortify his reelection chances, noting, “This is a POSITIVE swamping,” unlike the “swamp” of D.C. politics.

The president is leading handily in the great state of North Carolina ahead of the primary election. A recent poll from the High Point University Survey Research Center found that he was holding a staggering 47-point lead over former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley.

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