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Trump Drops Yet Another Name He’s Considering As Running Mate

Former President Donald Trump is actively considering potential running mates for the 2024 Republican nomination. During a recent visit to the U.S. border in Texas, he mentioned Texas Governor Greg Abbott as a candidate on his shortlist for the vice presidential position.

Trump described Abbott as a “spectacular man” and expressed that he would “certainly” consider him for the role.

The border region near Eagle Pass, Texas, has been a contentious area, especially after a Supreme Court ruling in January allowed federal agents to cut razor wire.

The Biden administration argued that this hindered their access to crucial parts of the border. Texas responded by blocking federal agents from entering, putting the state at odds with President Joe Biden’s policies on border security.

READ MORE: Greg Gutfeld Unveils Strategy For Trump To ‘Shame’ Biden Into Debating Him

Interestingly, Biden himself visited Texas recently and called on Trump to collaborate in passing a bipartisan border bill.

However, Trump and his allies in Congress rejected the bill due to concerns about granting more powers to the Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas while still allowing unauthorized entry into the country. House Speaker Mike Johnson declared the bill “dead on arrival” in the House if it had passed the Senate.

As the 2024 election approaches, the choice of a running mate remains a critical decision for Trump, and Abbott’s name is now in the mix1. It will be intriguing to see how this unfolds in the coming months.

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One thought on “Trump Drops Yet Another Name He’s Considering As Running Mate

  • Ce que l’on constate actuellement, partout ailleurs dans le monde, c’est que le monde s’est arrêté de fonctionner, tous les yeux etant rivés vers les USA, attendant les élections USA 5 Novembre 2024 comme aux Olympiades. Trump devient une Tournure incontournable aux yeux des vrais analystes en tout genre et Thème. Trump, nous vous attendons à la maison Blanche. Dieu vous a déjà béni. We L❤ve and Stand with Trump


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