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SHOCKING REVEAL: Trump’s Dominance Soars! New Data Unveils 90% Win Probability in EVERY Primary State!

New data from the world’s largest prediction market, Polymarket, shows that President Trump has a 90 percent chance of winning every primate state.

The latest data from the prediction market, Polymarket, where users get to trade on highly debated topics, like the presidential race, show that things are looking up for those who traded on President Trump winning every primary state. 

Polymarket data shows that President Trump has a 90 percent chance of winning in every primary state, with only 10 percent disagreeing. Looking at the pattern, it looks like this number may increase.

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On Jan. 22, the day before the New Hampshire primary, the chance was 76 percent. After President Trump’s record-breaking win in the Granite State, the chances improved to 89 percent on Jan. 24.

Not just Polymarket believes that President Trump will win the presidential election handily. Reuters/Ipsos conducted another survey that demonstrates President Trump’s advantage against Joe Biden.

According to a countrywide poll of 1,250 American adults, 40% of respondents preferred President Trump to Vice President Biden, who received just 34% of the vote.

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Even more astounding is the fact that, despite voters having the choice to choose a third-party candidate such as Robert F. Kennedy Jr., President Trump maintained his lead with 36% of the vote, while Biden received 30%.

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3 thoughts on “SHOCKING REVEAL: Trump’s Dominance Soars! New Data Unveils 90% Win Probability in EVERY Primary State!

  • I’m here with you trump is truly amazing things for you doing well with the right direction

  • André Scherman

    That’s great news i really hope the Americans chose Pres. Trump this year it will make America and the World Great again

  • André Scherman

    Let’s go America lets chose Trump


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