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Romney OUT Trump’s SHOCKING Revelation About the Republican Party’s SECRET FUTURE!

Donald Trump declared the Republican Party was done with the likes of Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah and former Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan on Saturday, pointing out that the MAGA movement had rescued conservatism from “RINOs.”

Trump explained at an electric rally in Newton, Iowa, “Together, we fought long and hard to rescue the Republican Party from the likes of Mitt Romney.”

He continued, “No chance we’re going to let them claw their way back into the power of our party!”

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President Trump added, “Get RID of these establishment career politicians who have sold you down the river.”

He told Iowans that America couldn’t afford to mess around with pillars of the political establishment, highlighting the severity of the situation in the country. “We cannot play games,” he said. “We’ve got to get rid of Crooked Joe Biden.”

With less than one week to go until the Iowa caucuses, Trump took a common sense, no-nonsense approach to his remarks in Newton, stating that with a caucus victory, “We’re going to FINISH the job.”

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“I will always put America first,” he vowed, promising that the job of saving America would be completed in the White House with “God’s help.”

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