
Full List of Countries That Made Payments to Donald Trump During Presidency

Donald Trump’s companies received more than $7.8 million from at least 20 foreign governments during his presidency, Democrats on the House Oversight Committee revealed in a new report on Thursday.

The 156-page report, called “White House For Sale,” brings forward evidence of thousands of Trump’s business records obtained from his longtime accounting firm Mazars USA after the Supreme Court ruled against the former president’s claim to absolute immunity.

The list of foreign governments and state-controlled businesses that paid millions to Trump-owned companies during his years at the White House includes China, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

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China’s government and state-owned businesses spent more than $5.5 million at Trump sites like the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C., the Trump World Tower in New York, and the Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas. Beijing was by far the biggest spender on the House Democrats’ list. Trump often said that China was one of the United States’ biggest enemies while he was in office.

People from Saudi Arabia spent more than $615,000 at the Trump World Tower in New York and the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C. They were the second biggest spenders.


Federal officeholders, including the U.S. president, are forbidden from accepting money, payments, titles, offices or gifts of any kind “from any king, prince or foreign state” under the Constitution without the consent of Congress. The House Democrats’ report says that the former president never sought this approval from lawmakers.

This is the full list of countries that paid Trump’s businesses during his time in office, according to the House Democrats’ report:

  • China ($5,572,548)
  • Saudi Arabia ($615,422)
  • Qatar ($465,744)
  • Kuwait ($303,371)
  • India ($282,764)
  • Malaysia ($248,962)
  • Afghanistan ($74,810)
  • Philippines ($465,744)
  • United Arab Emirates ($65,225)
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo ($25,171)
  • Kazakhstan ($23,772)
  • Thailand ($11,340)
  • Self-declared Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus ($8,800)
  • Mongolia ($8,486)
  • Lebanon ($7,720)
  • Albania ($6,002)
  • Kosovo ($4,950)
  • Latvia ($2,739)
  • Turkey ($1,894)
  • Hungary ($1,011)
  • Cyprus ($590)

This list includes payments made to Trump’s businesses by governments’ officials by the Permanent Mission of Afghanistan; a representative of the Republic of Cyprus to the United Nations; Kazakhstan’s officials; the Embassy of Lebanon; Thailand officials; a governor of the Bank of Mongolia; a Hungarian official; a governor of the Bank of Latvia, as well as the embassies of Azerbaijan, Georgia. Namibia. Romania, Costa Rica.

“Given the absence of relevant records, this report cannot determine the purposes and amounts of these countries’ expenditures at Trump-owned properties during President Trump’s term,” the House Democrats’ document reads.

Upon taking office in January 2017, Trump refused to give up his businesses and instead announced that they would be run by his two eldest sons, saying that no new foreign deals would be made during his time at the White House.

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One thought on “Full List of Countries That Made Payments to Donald Trump During Presidency

  • We read that before. Wé know that your children were running your business affairs, President Trump. It’s simple and too much clear.


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