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New York Republicans show incredible support for Trump in the Granite State

New York Republicans showed up strong on Friday night in New Hampshire, taking the stage alongside President Donald Trump at a campaign event in Concord, going to bat for his reelection bid with strength and resolve.

Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., spoke first, giving rapid-fire and resolute comments in defense of President Trump.

She told the crowd, “Are we ready to make history, New Hampshire? Are we ready to make America great again? Are we ready to elect Donald J. Trump and fire Joe Biden?”

She continued, “I am SO HONORED to be here and I am proud to be the FIRST member of Congress to endorse President Trump for reelection.”


Lee Zeldin, a former Republican congressman from New York, also addressed the platform and boldly spoke about President Trump’s accomplishments and his potential government in 2025.

“Is New Hampshire ready to put President Trump BACK in the White House?” he declared.

He noted that a vote for Trump was a vote to “secure the border” and make the American economy “stronger than ever.”

READ MORE: What Trump has promised to do if he wins the presidency

Zeldin added, “We are voting for parental rights…we are doing it for our veterans, our military, our law enforcement, our firefighters, our flag, our freedom – our FUTURE!”

He concluded, “We are voting for President Trump to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”

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