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How Trump Could Win at the Supreme Court Even If His Broad Immunity Argument Is Rejected

Summary: Former President Donald Trump faces a high-stakes showdown at the Supreme Court over criminal charges related to his attempt to overturn the 2020 election results. The central question is whether Trump’s claims of presidential immunity should lead to the dismissal of these charges. Even if the court rejects his most extreme arguments, there’s still a chance he could declare victory. The implications for the 2024 election remain significant.

Washington, D.C. — Former President Donald Trump faces a high-stakes showdown at the Supreme Court over his criminal charges related to his attempt to overturn the 2020 election results. The central question is whether Trump’s claims of presidential immunity should lead to the dismissal of these charges. However, even if the court rejects his most extreme arguments, there’s still a chance he could declare victory.


The Immunity Claim

Trump’s legal team has argued for broad immunity, seeking to shield him from prosecution. But what if the court doesn’t buy this argument? Here’s how the situation could play out:

  1. Partial Rejection: If the court rejects Trump’s broad immunity claim, it could send the case back to the U.S. District Court for further proceedings. Specifically, Judge Tanya Chutkan in Washington, D.C., would need to determine whether some of Trump’s actions are insulated from prosecution. This could further delay any potential trial.
  2. Complex Factual Test: Legal experts suggest that Trump’s second preference would be a ruling that establishes a complicated factual test for immunity. In such a scenario, the case would get bogged down in questions about whether each of the four counts in the indictment rests on official acts of the then-president, which might be protected.

The Charges

The case in Washington, separate from the ongoing criminal trial in New York, revolves around Trump’s involvement in a scheme to submit fake election certificates to Congress. The goal was to nullify Joe Biden’s victory, a chain of events that ultimately led to the January 6 assault on the U.S. Capitol by Trump supporters. Prosecutors argue that these acts constituted a series of crimes, while Trump maintains that he was merely expressing concerns about election fraud without any evidence.

The four charges Trump faces are:

  1. Conspiracy to Defraud the United States
  2. Obstruction of an Official Proceeding
  3. Conspiracy to Obstruct an Official Proceeding
  4. Conspiracy to Violate the Right to Vote and Have One’s Vote Counted

Timing Matters

The legal issues in this case have sometimes taken a back seat to the issue of timing. Trump opponents hope that a trial could occur before the 2024 general election, believing that a guilty verdict might impact the election outcome. However, with delays already plaguing the case, any ruling that doesn’t outright grant immunity could further imperil the chances of a timely trial.


In summary, while Trump’s first preference would be complete immunity, the Supreme Court’s decision could still shape the course of this legal battle. Whether he ultimately wins or loses, the implications for the 2024 election remain significant.

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One thought on “How Trump Could Win at the Supreme Court Even If His Broad Immunity Argument Is Rejected

  • Je suis totalement persuadée au loin des USA que ces accusations, n ‘impacteront pas sur les intentions de vote du 5 Novembre 2024. Président TrimTRUMP p passe haut la main. Aucune inquiétude. Il ya un grand travail qui est déjà accompli sur son intégrité et son Patriotisme pour la Renaissance et la Grandeur de son pays, qui aura un retentissement positif et factuel partout ailleurs au monde. On le lit partout au monde et de façon soutenue, sans défection.
    Il était President ente 2016 et 2020. Il bénéficiait de son Immunité. Pourquoi les juges ne l-ont- il pas appréhendé sur ces faits-là à la même periode et le traduire devant les commissions parlementaires respectives?? Sachant que le President Trump savait qu il serait traité au même pied d’égalité que ses Prédécesseurs! Pas d’ accusations au Tribunal. Mais comparution devant les commissions du Congrès. Il y a entorse!
    La vidéo montrant les portes ouvertes et les agents de l ordre ne les ayant pas repoussés sans barrière ou sommation est une entorse. Sachant que c est un lieu sacré! C est comme-ci il y’avait préméditation, un guet-appens, un piège où les supporters ont mordus à l’hameçon.
    President Trump entouré d’une bonne équipe d avocats. Je pense bien que les avocats ont dû faire accompagner les supporters d’ une équipe de personnes connaissant les LIMITES à ne pas enfreindre. On sait pertinemment bien que des dans toute manif, on vous infiltre des saboteurs du camp adverse. Qui vous poussent à l effet contraire. Faut les repérer 1 à 1 depuis le discours , au départ et à l’ entrée au Capitole.
    On vous donnera d autres idées car on a beaucoup d expériences pour avoir participer à des manifs en Europe et en Afrique.
    Trump n’était pas présent sur les lieux et n a pas demandé d ouvrir les portes ni de saccager.


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