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In a recent post on Truth Social, Donald Trump defended Rebecca Lavrenz, known as the “Praying Grandma,” who faces charges related to the January 6 Capitol breach. Trump argued that Lavrenz was unfairly targeted for peacefully being inside the Capitol and criticized what he sees as partisan persecution against January 6 protestors.

He highlighted the contrast with leniency towards violent criminals and emphasized the broader implications of such cases in the upcoming election, framing it as a battle between himself and Joe Biden. Lavrenz’s case serves as a reminder for voters about the political stakes involved in the upcoming election.

Donald Trump shared his support for Rebecca Lavrenz in a Truth Social Post on Friday. Lavrenz, also known as the “Praying Grandma,” has been found guilty of misdemeanor charges for entering the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. She now faces up to a year in prison and $200,000 in fines.

Trump highlighted the political motivations behind the prosecutions of Jan. 6 protestors, stating that Lavrenz had been “unfairly targeted” for doing nothing more than peacefully walking around the U.S. Capitol.


Lavrenz is the latest example of overly harsh prosecutions aimed at Jan. 6 protestors. Many conservatives have criticized the partisan nature of the prosecutions, pointing out that they amount to the persecution of political dissidents.

The jury in Lavrenz’s case began deliberations on Monday, April 1, and reached a verdict on Thursday, April 4. Lavrenz admitted to spending about 10 minutes inside the U.S. Capitol. As of Friday, April 5, her sentencing date has not been made public in online court records.

Trump noted the hypocrisy of such harsh prosecutions, especially at a time when violent criminals are being released.

“Crooked Joe Biden spends more time prosecuting Patriots like Rebecca, AND ME, than Violent Criminals, Thugs, Murderers, and ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS who are destroying our country,” Trump said in the post.

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Trump has continued to campaign on immigration policy, emphasizing the stark contrast between the chaos of the Biden administration’s approach and the success of his own administration in securing the border.

Trump concluded his post by reminding his followers that Lavrenz’s injustice is part of the larger battle in the choice between himself and Joe Biden. He said, “THIS IS WHAT WE ARE UP AGAINST. MAGA 2024!” With just under seven months to go before the election, Lavrenz’s case provides a reminder for voters of what is at stake.

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