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Trump’s Secret Move to Verify Legal Team – Shocking Revelations Uncovered!

Trump Hired Private Investigator to Double-Check His Legal Team’s Work, Report Says

A Daily Beast analysis of recent FEC filings showed that Trump spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on a private investigative firm. According to the report, the firm was tasked with checking the work done by Trump’s legal team in his cases against writer and journalist E. Jean Carroll — and found some faults.

Big money

The FEC filings revealed that Trump’s Save America PAC paid the New York firm over $390,000 in 2023. The firm was tasked with searching for witnesses that could help Trump in his multiple cases against E. Jean Carroll.

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Losing and losing

A jury concluded in 2023 that Trump had “sexually abused” Carroll in a 1996 dressing room. Carroll went public in 2019 and he was forced to pay her $5 million for defaming her by disputing her allegation.

Big loss

On Friday, another Manhattan jury unanimously ordered Trump to pay a further $83.3 million to Carroll for other defamatory comments he made about her. The majority of that sum, $65 million, was comprised of punitive damages to prevent Trump from further defaming the writer

Looking for help

According to the Daily Beast’s report, the detective hired by Trump found that an “early iteration” of his legal team had failed to interview multiple witnesses involved in the case. Doing so, the paper explained, “should have been a basic step in defending the former president.”

Controversial behavior

One of Trump’s lawyers in his $83 million case against Carroll, Alina Habba, has been paid over $3.5 million in fees by the former president. Her performance in the courtroom, however, drew widespread criticism and mockery by lawyers and legal experts, with one calling her a “TV lawyer” on X.

Multiple errors

Habba clashed with Judge Lewis Kaplan over a dozen times in a single hearing and made multiple elementary mistakes like forgetting to introduce a post into evidence. “Can you imagine showing up to a trial and asking the trial court judge, ‘How do you suggest I proceed?’ because you don’t know the rules of evidence?” wrote legal professor Anthony Michael Kreis.

No good

Trump has vowed to appeal the $83 million penalty, and implied on Truth Social that he might do so with a new legal time. “Seriously, why was she ever on this case?” Morning Joe co-host Joe Scarborough laughed on Tuesday.


“At one point in the proceedings,” Scarborough joked, “maybe she had a reason to be upset. You know, they took away her coloring books. There was a color-by-number thing on how to be a lawyer when you grow up, and … the judge took them away.”

Unusual move

According to the Daily Beast, hiring a private investigator is an “extraordinarily unusual” expense for a PAC. This week, the New York Times reported that Trump has spent about $50 million from his PACs on legal fees.


“At this point,” the Daily Beast piece noted, “it’s clear prosecutors aren’t the only ones causing Trump’s legal headaches; his own lawyers, and his suspicions of ineptitude, seem to be in his head too.”

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