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Trump Train Gaining Momentum: Why Americans Are Confident He’s the GOP Nominee-to-Be!

Here is a summary of the text in bullet point form:

  • Donald Trump is best positioned to win the 2024 Republican Party’s presidential primary nomination.
  • A YouGov survey indicates that 12% of those surveyed indicated that they thought Nikki Haley would win the nomination, while another 18% were “Not sure.”
  • Trump has accrued 81% of GOP primary voters’ support, amounting to a 63-point lead over Nikki Haley, who stalled at 18%.
  • Trump became the first Republican nominee in 48 years to win the New Hampshire primary and the Iowa caucuses simultaneously.
  • The Tyson Group reports that Trump is leading GOP contender Nikki Haley by 27 points. But according to Fabrizio, Lee & Associates, the president leads Haley by a comfortable 40 points in South Carolina.
  • Polling and betting statistics for the general election also show the president’s campaign in favorable winds, suggesting a likely Trump landslide in November 2024.

The American people know who is best positioned to win the 2024 Republican Party’s presidential primary nomination: Donald J. Trump.

Unprecedented political and legal persecution has given the 45th president equally as much unprecedented momentum in the polls, driving his support higher than ever among Republicans across the board.

12 percent of those surveyed indicated that they thought Nikki Haley would win the nomination, while another 18 percent were “Not sure.”

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The YouGov survey appears to confirm what state and national polls are indicating would happen in the primary, particularly in the wake of President Trump’s decisive victories in Iowa and New Hampshire.

Additionally, as a non-incumbent, Trump became the first Republican nominee in 48 years to win the New Hampshire primary and the Iowa caucuses simultaneously.

In the nationwide GOP primary, Morning Consult’s most recent data tracking the race found that Trump had accrued 81 percent of GOP primary voters’ support, amounting to a 63-point lead over Nikki Haley, who stalled at 18 percent.

The president’s numbers reflect the support that a GOP incumbent president would usually receive. His poll numbers make it clear that Republican voters strongly consider Trump their party leader.

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On February 8, the 45th president is expected to win handily in the Nevada caucus before proceeding to South Carolina, where he is expected to win handily again.

The Tyson Group reports that Trump is leading GOP contender Nikki Haley, the former governor of the state, by 27 points. But according to Fabrizio, Lee & Associates, the president leads Haley by a comfortable 40 points in South Carolina.

Polling and betting statistics for the general election also show the president’s campaign in favorable winds, suggesting a likely Trump landslide in November 2024.

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2 thoughts on “Trump Train Gaining Momentum: Why Americans Are Confident He’s the GOP Nominee-to-Be!

  • It’s official, Vladimir Putin owns the republican party.

  • Let’s go Brandon. Let’s go Halley !! Don’t you get is or is that Soros too tempting to leave on the table.


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