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Not Seen Since George W. Bush’: Trump Pulls Texas Hispanic Support

As President Donald Trump steady wins over key voting blocs, the 45th president is now swaying Texas Hispanics at a “level of support not seen since George W. Bush,” according to a recent poll.

While last month’s New York Times/Siena College polls showed Trump gaining ground among young voters, women, Hispanics, and Blacks, new polling data from Texas indicates a significant shift in Hispanic support toward the 45th president.

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Key Findings from the Texas Hispanic Policy Foundation Poll

  • Conducted between April 5 and 10, the Texas Hispanic Policy Foundation (TxHPF) poll reveals that Trump holds a 4-point lead over Biden among Texas likely voters.
  • Of the 1,600 respondents, Trump’s 41 percent support over Biden’s 37 percent is driven primarily by “evangelical Hispanics and Hispanic males.”
  • TxHPF CEO Jason Villalba notes that Texas Hispanics have increasingly considered and voted for Republican candidates in recent election cycles. However, this is the first time a Republican statewide candidate has attracted a majority of Texas likely Hispanic voters. Trump’s appeal to Hispanic evangelicals and men has played a crucial role in this surge of support.
  • The poll also highlights Trump’s substantial lead among immigrants, with 50 percent support compared to Biden’s 35 percent. Among first-generation immigrant voters, Biden leads by just 1 point, while Trump enjoys a ten-point lead among second-generation immigrants.

Biden Campaign’s Response

Reports suggest that as Trump continues to pull voters away from the Democratic president, the Biden campaign is intensifying efforts to reach Hispanic voters.

Politico reports that the campaign is placing ads on ESPN Deportes and La Liga during soccer games to target Latin voters. Additionally, both Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have engaged in a series of Hispanic media interviews to connect with this crucial audience.

Michelle Villegas, Biden campaign’s Latino engagement director, emphasizes the importance of reaching out to Latino voters and bridging the information gap.

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Overall in Texas

Across nine polls, Trump currently holds an 8.7 percent lead over Biden in Texas. As the 45th president’s support among Hispanics reaches levels not seen since George W. Bush, the 2024 election landscape continues to evolve.

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