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Facebook’s Shocking Oversight Fail: Trump’s Suspension Upheld, But Penalty Falls Short!

In a dramatic twist, the Oversight Board has ruled on the fate of former President Donald Trump’s social media presence. Brace yourselves for the inside scoop!

The Verdict:

  • Trump’s Suspension Upheld: Facebook’s initial decision to restrict Trump’s access to posting content on his Facebook page and Instagram account has been upheld. The controversial move, made on January 7, 2021, after the Capitol attack, remains intact.
  • Facebook’s Epic Fail: But here’s where it gets juicy! The Oversight Board slams Facebook for its woefully inadequate penalty. Instead of applying a clear, proportionate punishment, the tech giant slapped Trump with an indefinite suspension—a move that left everyone scratching their heads. Seriously, Facebook, what were you thinking?

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The Backstory:

  • The Capitol Chaos: On that fateful January 6, 2021, a mob stormed the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C., during the electoral vote count. Chaos reigned, lives were lost, and democracy trembled. Amid this turmoil, Trump posted two critical pieces of content on Facebook and Instagram.
  • The Infamous Posts:
    1. At 4:21 pm EST, as the riot raged, Trump urged peace, law, and order, claiming the election was stolen. Facebook swiftly removed this post.
    2. At 6:07 pm EST, with police securing the Capitol, Trump penned a cryptic message about a “sacred landslide election victory” being snatched away. Facebook pulled the plug on this one too.

The Fallout:

READ MORE: Some Trump supporters: “Truth Social investing is About Faith in Trump, Not Business”

What’s Next?

  • Stay Tuned: The saga continues. Will Trump regain his social media throne? Will Facebook redeem itself? Buckle up, folks—it’s a wild ride! 🎢

Remember, you heard it here first! Share this explosive news with your friends, enemies. 📢🔥

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