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Trump’s Wins Again: Illinois Board Stuns Nation with Game-Changing Decision on 2024

Trump Wins Big: Retained on Illinois Ballot, Cheers on Truth Social.

Victories keep piling up for President Donald Trump! On Tuesday, the Illinois State Board of Elections unanimously voted 8-0 to keep him on the state’s 2024 primary ballot, a resounding rejection of attempts to remove him. This news sent a wave of excitement through Trump’s supporters, and the President himself took to Truth Social to express his gratitude.

“Thank you to the Illinois State Board of Elections for ruling 8-0 in protecting the Citizens of our Country from the Radical Left Lunatics who are trying to destroy it,” he declared, his signature enthusiasm shining through the message. “The VOTE was in 8-0 in favor of keeping your favorite President (ME!), on the Ballot. I love Illinois. Make America Great Again!”

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The petition to remove Trump was spearheaded by Free Speech for People, a group arguing that he is ineligible for public office based on the Fourteenth Amendment, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution. They claim his actions surrounding the January 6th Capitol riot render him disqualified from holding office.

However, the Illinois State Board of Elections, following the recommendation of its general counsel, dismissed the challenge. This decision aligns with the recommendation of former Judge Clark Erickson, who stated after a hearing, “Illinois law, including the Supreme Court decisions of Goodman and Delgado prohibit the Election Board from addressing issues involving constitutional analysis.”

This victory in Illinois comes on the heels of another legal win for Trump this week. In Massachusetts, Supreme Judicial Court Justice Frank Gaziano denied a petition seeking to remove him from the state’s 2024 primary ballot.

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These back-to-back wins demonstrate the resilience of President Trump’s candidacy and the unwavering support he enjoys among a large portion of the electorate. As the 2024 presidential election approaches, it’s clear that Donald Trump remains a formidable force to be reckoned with.

So there you have it, folks! Another victory for President Trump, another step closer to making America great again! Keep your eyes peeled for further updates as the campaign heats up, and remember, the power is in your hands. Make your voices heard on election day!

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One thought on “Trump’s Wins Again: Illinois Board Stuns Nation with Game-Changing Decision on 2024

  • I’m believe in you truly trump
    Make a good happen with the right direction for your help in your time God bless you all doing well


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