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Donald Trump’s no-nonsense approach to solving Biden’s border catastrophe is resonating with prospective American voters across the country, and it’s no mystery why.

Millions of unvetted illegal migrants have poured over the open borders since Joe Biden stepped into the Oval Office, following his immediate and swift dismantlement of Trump-era immigration regulations and protocols.

Trump has vowed to take swift and immediate action to close the open border in a prospective 2025 administration. He has also committed to kick-starting a nationwide deportation operation.

He told Fox News this year, “We have no choice, and the way you do it is your local police. We have the greatest police, and they don’t get the respect that they have to get. They are treated so badly.”

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Trump has touched on his intention to invoke the Alien Enemies Act, which gives executive authority to the president to kick out non-citizen entities within the United States who are either dangerous or simply anti-American.

In addition, Trump has cited the deportation program of former President Dwight D. Eisenhower from the 1950s as inspiration for his own deportation strategy. A Trump-era operation would need a much more manpower, though, as the Biden administration has seen millions more illegal immigrants cross the border than it did in the 1950s.

The Mexican government, local authorities, and Border Patrol personnel carried out Eisenhower’s initial campaign in the 1950s. Trump appears to intend to carry out huge deportation operations with a significant reliance on local law enforcement, based on his prior remarks.

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The deluge of illegal immigration and rapidly increasing migrant-related crime in America’s cities have affected law-abiding citizens deeply, and the polls prove it. According to a new poll from AP/NORC, two-thirds of voters actively disapprove of how Biden has handled border security during his time in the White House. Even more importantly, 43 percent of Hispanic Americans disapprove of Biden’s job securing the border – a crucial voting bloc.

As Biden bleeds support over his catastrophic border policies, Trump is gaining support. RSBN previously reported that Trump, for example, is holding stronger-than-ever support among Hispanics, who said that they would vote for Trump over Biden in a hypothetical general election (46 percent against Biden’s 40 percent).

Data collected from RSBN website

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