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Summary: A recent Fox News poll conducted by Beacon Research and Shaw & Company Research surveyed 1,094 registered voters between March 22-25, revealing that President Trump is gaining popularity among Millennials and Gen Z. The survey found that 58% of voters under 30 years old favored Trump over Biden, who received 40% support from this demographic.

In a hypothetical election scenario, 50% of voters overall would choose Trump, while 45% would choose Biden. According to Chris Anderson, a Democrat conducting surveys for Fox News, Trump’s economic successes is better remembered by voters than Biden’s, posing a challenge for the latter. Additionally, voters trust Trump more than Biden on issues such as foreign policy, immigration, and the economy, with 57% favoring Trump’s handling of the immigration crisis compared to 39% for Biden.

Other polls, such as one by Harvard/Harris and another by Siena College reported on by RSBN, also indicate Trump’s growing support despite legal issues and show him gaining ground on Biden in traditionally Democratic strongholds like New York.

A new Fox News poll shows that President Trump is gaining popularity with both Millennials and Gen Z. 

Fox News with Beacon Research (D) and Shaw & Company Research (R) conducted a survey between March 22-25 this year. During this period, the survey interviewed 1,094 random registered voters to get their thoughts on the presidential nominees for this year’s general election.


The results found that President Trump is a popular choice amongst Millennials and Gen-Z, with 58 percent of voters under the age of 30 years choosing President Trump. Only 40 percent preferred Biden. 

Voters were also asked, “If the election were today, how would you vote if the candidates were: Donald Trump or Joe Biden?” The results showed that 50 percent of voters would vote for President Trump, whereas only 45 percent would vote for Biden. 

Fox News reported that Chris Anderson, a Democrat who conducts the surveys for Fox News, explained, “More voters fondly remember Trump’s economic successes than can recall any of Biden’s. That underscores the challenge Biden faces.” 

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According to the results, voters trust President Trump over Biden to do a better job with issues like foreign policy, immigration and the economy. 57 percent of voters trust President Trump to do a better job with the immigration crisis, whereas only 39 percent put their faith in Biden.  

It’s not just this poll that demonstrates how President Trump is crushing the polls. RSBN recently reported that a Harvard/Harris poll indicated that more Americans would still show support for President Trump despite all of his legal woes. 

Another poll that RSBN reported on by Siena College found that President Trump was gaining ground on Biden in the Empire State. This would be a historic moment for President Trump and Republicans, as New York has always been a Democrat stronghold. 

Data collection website: RSBN.

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