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A plurality of Americans agree that Donald J. Trump has earned their respect as a U.S. leader compared to a slate of other American figureheads, a new poll from Rasmussen has revealed.

Their data found that “42% of Likely U.S. Voters say they respect Trump most as a leader.” Joe Biden had 21 percent of respect, former President Barack Obama earned 17 percent, and former Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton netted a meager two percent.

President Trump’s popularity with mainstream voters in the U.S. has seemed to robustly increase during his 2024 campaign for reelection, while Biden’s has taken a nosedive. Per Rasmussen, Joe Biden had a 57 percent job disapproval rating among American voters in February 2024.

In the GOP primary election, Trump has a supermajority of support, with unstoppable momentum in every primary state with virtually no competition. Every other candidate of note has dropped out of the race except for Nikki Haley, the former Republican governor of South Carolina.

Remarkably, Haley received the backing of only 5% of US Likely Voters in the Rasmussen survey. Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, received barely three percent, while Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders (I) came in second with five percent of the vote.

Haley is behind Trump by 37 points in her own state, according to RSBN. The state’s primary is scheduled for this Saturday, February 24. According to Polymarket’s betting odds, Trump is also expected to defeat Joe Biden by 22 points in the general election in November.

According to their prediction, Trump is too strong for even a purported last-minute contender like California Governor Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, or former First Lady Michelle Obama. Their calculations showed that Obama’s chances of victory were only 7% and Newsom’s 4%, respectively.

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