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Summary: The discusses the changing political landscape in New York, traditionally a Democrat stronghold, with President Donald Trump gaining ground on President Biden. Recent polling from Siena College indicates a narrowing gap between the two candidates, reflecting growing dissatisfaction among New Yorkers with rising crime and the high cost of living. The top concerns among citizens include the cost of living, illegal immigration, and crime.

Trump, with roots in New York, aims to capitalize on these sentiments, targeting battleground states like Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey. He emphasizes the dissatisfaction among New Yorkers, citing changes in the city and widespread anger among its residents.New York has long been considered a Democrat stronghold, but it looks like President Donald Trump could change the game this year as the nation pivots toward political change amid Biden’s chaotic leadership.

Recent polling from Siena College found that Trump was gaining ground on Biden in the Empire State this year, with a gap of just ten points between the two men. Such a close race between Biden and Trump indicates, perhaps, a shifting political climate as New Yorkers are more and more fed up with rising crime and the skyrocketing cost of living.

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The same Siena College poll that looked at the gap between Biden and Trump among New York voters also found that citizens in the state are, in fact, most concerned with the cost of living, identifying it as their top issue that they’d like the governor and the legislature to address.

Runner-up to the stifling high prices in the state is illegal immigration and the related rise of crime that has come with them.

Per Siena College, pollster Steven Greenberg explained, “…The cost of living in the state, the recent influx of migrants to New York, crime, and the need for affordable housing were the top issues in the fall and remain the top issues today,” Greenberg said. “The top three issues for Democrats are cost of living, housing and migrants. For Republicans it’s migrants, cost of living and crime. Independents say cost of living, migrants and crime.”


For President Trump, the beating heart of his real estate empire was located in New York for decades. Raised in Queens, Trump has stated several times that he intends to make heavy plays for battleground states like Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey.

Trump told Fox News earlier this year, “I think we have a chance. New York has changed a lot in the last two years. We have migrants all over the street – they’re living on Madison Avenue. Nobody can believe what’s happened to New York. The people of New York are angry.”

Data collection website: RSBN.

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