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Trump and DeSantis meet privately in Florida

Summary: Former President Donald Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis met privately in Miami, marking the first time they have spoken since DeSantis ended his presidential campaign. The meeting was brokered by allies in hopes of a potential détente between the two men. Trump’s advisers are hopeful that DeSantis will tap into his donor network to help raise significant funds for the general election. The meeting was orchestrated by Steve Witkoff, a Florida real estate investor and developer known to both men.

Former President Donald Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis recently met privately in Miami, breaking a years-long chill between the two prominent Republicans. The meeting, which took place on Sunday morning, aimed to bridge the gap between the presumptive Republican nominee and his onetime chief primary rival.


Allies orchestrated the meeting, hoping for a potential détente between Trump and DeSantis. Trump’s advisers are particularly interested in DeSantis tapping into his extensive donor network to help raise significant sums of money for the upcoming general election. As the money chase continues, Trump and allied groups have lagged behind President Biden and his supporters. DeSantis, with his wide network of wealthy patrons, could play a crucial role in closing that gap.

The meeting was reportedly friendly, with DeSantis agreeing to assist Trump. For DeSantis, there is an incentive to form a closer relationship with the former president. As he eyes his political future, maintaining a strained relationship with Trump would be untenable. DeSantis had faced a shellacking by Trump during the primary, leaving him weakened among Republican donors and consultants.

The meeting was orchestrated by Steve Witkoff, a Florida real estate investor and developer known to both men. Witkoff facilitated the connection, calling Trump’s team and arranging the private meeting between the two political figures.


This encounter marks a significant development in the relationship between Trump and DeSantis, and it remains to be seen how their collaboration will impact the upcoming election season.

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One thought on “Trump and DeSantis meet privately in Florida

  • Johnette Laird

    Thats good news as long as there are no hidden agendas. Falseness is something to stay clear off especially at a time as this. De Santes was always a hope that he could have been a great Vice President but after he ran Donald Trump and he’s supporters down the way he did he lost the respect of millions of Republicans and gained the respect of Democrates!!


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