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Here’s a summary of the situation:

  • Alan Dershowitz, a constitutional lawyer and Harvard law professor, criticized Judge Juan Merchan for likely refusing to allow President Trump to attend his son Barron’s graduation. Merchan also issued an expansive gag order during Trump’s hush-money trial.
  • Dershowitz argued that a statute gives Trump the right to leave the court any day, but the prosecution’s objection prevents him from doing so. He deemed this unconstitutional and called for a challenge.
  • Additionally, Dershowitz addressed the gag order, stating that it, too, violates constitutional rights.
  • Supporters believe in free speech and a father’s right to attend his son’s graduation.
  • Political consultant Roger Stone emphasized that Barron Trump deserves to be accompanied by his father, just like any other graduating student in the United States.
  • Former New York City Mayor Rudy W. Giuliani criticized Judge Merchan’s decisions, considering them politically motivated.

Alan Dershowitz blasted hush-money trial Judge Juan Merchan for likely refusing to allow President Trump to attend his son’s graduation and issuing an expansive gag order.

According to The Gateway Pundit, Dershowitz, a constitutional lawyer and Harvard law professor, told Sean Hannity on Tuesday, “There is a statute that gives him the right to leave the court any day,” he said.


“But the statute says: in the absence of an objection by the people. In other words, the prosecution has a veto over the judge’s decision whether to allow him to leave the courtroom on any given day,” he noted.

“That is unconstitutional, and this case ought to be challenged,” Dershowitz said with confidence.

Dershowitz suggested that Trump’s lawyers should file a motion under Section 340.50.

He then addressed the gag order, stating that it, too, “is unconstitutional.”

“You cannot prevent a defendant from attacking the witnesses, from attacking the judge’s daughter, if the judge’s daughter could be a basis for disqualification,” he explained. 

The outcry of support from Americans who believe in free speech and a father’s right to be with his son for a once-in-a-lifetime event is unwavering. 

Political consultant Roger Stone posted about this on X, stating, “Barron Trump deserves to be accompanied by his father at his high school graduation, just as Donald Trump was accompanied by his father, Fred, at his.” 

“Just like every other graduating student in the United States!” he added. 

Former New York City Mayor Rudy W. Giuliani wrote, “Judge Merchan is a disgrace and not a judge in the tradition of Anglo-American jurists.”

He went on, “By refusing to allow Donald J. Trump to attend his son Barron’s graduation—something even guilty defendants would be allowed to do—he goes beyond the usual NYC judge selected by Democrat county bosses and is now making entirely political decisions.”


“He is just proving that the NYC so-called court system is part of a one-party political dictatorship. It is a disgrace and embarrassment to all New Yorkers and all fair minded Americans,” he added. Giuliani then called for an investigation.

While Trump supporters have also expressed outrage at the gag order, RSBN reported that Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg recently motioned to have the 45th president in contempt of court over three social media posts and threatened jail time.

Data collection RSBN website.

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